Version: 2020.1

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Your search for "newin20173" resulted in 21 matches:

Animator Controller

Animator zoom added in 2017.3 NewIn20173


Cloth self collision and intercollision added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Command line arguments

Tizen support discontinued in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Console Window

Log entry line count added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

GPU instancing

Shader warm up for GPU instancing added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

iOS & Mac App Stores

Ask to Buy, Transaction Receipts, and Intercepting Receipts added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Lightmaps: Technical information

HDR lightmap support added in Unity 2017.3 NewIn20173

LOD and Realtime GI

Added Realtime Global Illumination in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Making believable visuals in Unity

Making believable visuals Best Practice Guide added in Unity 2017.3 NewIn20173

Materials tab

Use Embedded Materials added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Mesh Collider

Mesh Cooking Options added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Model tab

Index Format property added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Panoramic video

Added 2D and 3D panoramic video support in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Positioning GameObjects

Transform tool added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Single Pass Stereo rendering (Double-Wide rendering)

New in Unity [2017.3] ( NewIn20173

Standard Particle Shaders

Standard Particle Shaders added in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Texture Import Settings

Crunch compression format updated in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Velocity over Lifetime module

Speed Modifier property added to Velocity over Lifetime module in 2017.3 NewIn20173

WebGL Player settings

Publishing settings updated in Unity 2017.3 NewIn20173

Анимационные клипы

Integer properties within scripts can be animated in 2017.31 NewIn20173

Файлы логов

Tizen support discontinued in 2017.3 NewIn20173