Функции утилиты GameObject.
AreStaticEditorFlagsSet | Возвращает true, если хотя бы один из флагов в StaticEditorFlags задан. |
EnsureUniqueNameForSibling | You can use this method after parenting one GameObject to another to ensure the child GameObject has a unique name compared to its siblings in the hierarchy. |
GetMonoBehavioursWithMissingScriptCount | Gets the number of MonoBehaviours with a missing script for the given GameObject. |
GetNavMeshArea | Возвращает navmesh слой для указанного GameObject'а. |
GetNavMeshAreaFromName | Возвращает navmesh слой по имени слоя. |
GetNavMeshAreaNames | Возвращает имена всех navmesh слоев. |
GetStaticEditorFlags | Задает флаги StaticEditorFlags. |
GetUniqueNameForSibling | You can use this method before instantiating a new sibling, or before parenting one GameObject to another, to ensure the new child GameObject has a unique name compared to its siblings in the hierarchy. |
RemoveMonoBehavioursWithMissingScript | Removes the MonoBehaviours with a missing script from the given GameObject. |
SetNavMeshArea | Задает navmesh слой для указанного gameobject'а. |
SetParentAndAlign | Sets the parent and gives the child the same layer and position. |
SetStaticEditorFlags | Sets the StaticEditorFlags of the specified GameObject. |