Version: 2019.3

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Your search for "newin20181" resulted in 41 matches:

Applying defaults to assets by folder

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

macOS Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

macOS Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Preset Manager

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181


New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Support for custom Menu Item and Editor features

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Windows Player: IL2CPP build files

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Windows Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend

New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

.NET profile support

.NET profile support added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

C# Job System

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

C# Job System Overview

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

C# Job System tips and troubleshooting

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Command line arguments

"noUpm", "setDefaultPlatformTextureFormat" and "CacheServerIPAddress" command line options added in Unity 2018.1 NewIn20181


Constraints added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Creating jobs

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Custom fall-off

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Generating Lightmap UVs

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

GPU instancing

Global Illumination (GI) support in GPU instancing added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

JobHandle and dependencies

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Lighting Window

Lightmapping section and Debug settings updated in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Lightmap Parameters

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Lightmapping: Getting started

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1 NewIn20181


C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

ParallelFor jobs

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

ParallelForTransform jobs

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Particle System GPU Instancing

Particle System GPU instancing added in Unity 2018.1 NewIn20181

Progressive CPU Lightmapper

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Project Templates

Added Project Templates in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Scheduling jobs

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Shader Compilation Target Levels

Shader #pragma directives added in Unity 2018.1 NewIn20181

Shape Module

Texture tinting and selective discarding features (Clip Channel, Clip Threshold, Color affects particles, Alpha affects particl...

Standalone Player settings

Allow 'unsafe' Code checkbox added in Unity 2018.1 NewIn20181

Sub Emitters module

"Trigger" and "Manual" conditions added to conditions list in Sub Emitters Module in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Subscription Product support

Added Subscription Product support in 2018.1 NewIn20181

The safety system in the C# Job System

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Unity's Package Manager

Unity Package Manager added in Unity 2018.1 NewIn20181

UV overlap feedback

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Velocity over Lifetime module

Orbital XYZ, Offset XYZ and Radial properties added to Velocity over Lifetime module in 2018.1 NewIn20181

What is a job system?

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181

What is multithreading?

C# Job System exposed in 2018.1 NewIn20181