Version: 2019.1
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.StyleSheets

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This generic structure encodes a value type that can come from USS or be specified programmatically.

A StyleValue<T> struct wraps value types such as an integer or a color along with some metadata for the application of USS at runtime.

Static Variables

nilThis represents the default value for a StyleValue<T> of the according generic type.


valueThe actual value of the StyleValue<T>.


StyleValue_1This constructor can be used to specified an alternate default value but it is recommended to use StyleValue<T>.nil.

Public Functions

GetSpecifiedValueOrDefaultUtility function to be used when reading custom styles values and provide a default value in one step.

Static Functions

CreateCreates a StyleValue of the according generic type directly from a value.