Class AddressableAssetBuildSettings
Build settings for addressables.
상속된 멤버
네임스페이스: UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings
어셈블리: solution.dll
public class AddressableAssetBuildSettings
이름 | 설명 |
LogResourceManagerExceptions | When enabled, the Addressables.ResourceManager.ExceptionHandler is set to (op, ex) => Debug.LogException(ex); |
bundleBuildPath | //Specifies where to build asset bundles, this is usually a temporary folder (or a folder in the project). Bundles are copied out of this location to their final destination. |
cleanupStreamingAssetsAfterBuilds | Controls whether to remove temporary files after each build. When disabled, build times in packed mode are faster, but may not reflect all changes in assets. |
compileScriptsInVirtualMode | Controls whether to compile scripts when running in virtual mode. When disabled, build times are faster but the simulated bundle contents may not be accurate due to including editor code. |