Version: 5.3
public Coroutine DropConnection (Networking.Types.NetworkID netId, Networking.Types.NodeID dropNodeId, ResponseDelegate<BasicResponse> callback);
public Coroutine DropConnection (Networking.Match.DropConnectionRequest req, ResponseDelegate<BasicResponse> callback);


callback A callback delegate that takes a BasicResponse that indicates the return of the request after coroutine processing.
req A DropConnectionRequest describing the match to destroy.
netId Id of the match to drop from.
dropNodeId NodeId of the client to drop.


Coroutine A coroutine for managing the async operation. if using the callback, this can be ignored.


This causes a client to be dropped from a UNET Matchmaker match.

The host can drop any connection to any connected client. A client connected to a host can drop only its own connection. If a client (non host) tries to call DropConnection on another client, the command will fail. This is asynchronous, the callback function will be invoked when the operation completes.