class in UnityEngine.Experimental.Director
다음으로부터 상속:Experimental.Director.AnimationPlayable
Playable that plays an AnimationClip. Can be used as an input to an AnimationPlayable.
inputCount | The count of inputs on the Playable. This count includes slots that aren't connected to anything. This is equivalent to, but much faster than calling GetInputs().Length. |
outputCount | The count of inputs on the Playable. This count includes slots that aren't connected to anything. This is equivalent to, but much faster than calling GetOutputs().Length. |
state | Current PlayState of this playable. This indicates whether the Playable is currently playing or paused. |
time | Current local time for this Playable. |
AddInput | Adds an AnimationPlayable as an input. |
RemoveAllInputs | Disconnects all input playables. |
RemoveInput | Removes a playable from the list of inputs. |
SetInput | Sets an AnimationPlayable as an input. |
SetInputs | Replaces existing inputs with the supplied collection of AnimationPlayable. |
ClearInputs | Safely disconnects all connected inputs and resizes the input array to 0. |
Dispose | Implements IDisposable. Call this method to release the resources allocated by the Playable. |
GetInput | Returns the Playable connected at the specified index. |
GetInputs | Returns a lists of the input Playables. |
GetInputWeight | Get the weight of the Playable at a specified index. |
GetOutput | Returns the Playable connected at the specified output index. |
GetOutputs | Get the list of ouputs connected on this Playable. |
ProcessFrame | Evaluates the Playable with a delta time. |
SetInputWeight | Set the weight of an input. |
Connect | Connects two Playables together. |
Disconnect | Disconnects an input from a Playable. |
OnSetPlayState | Callback called when the PlayState has changed |
OnSetTime | Callback called when the current time has changed |
PrepareFrame | Prepares the Playable tree for the next frame. PrepareFrame is called before the tree is evaluated. |