Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect);
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect, string text);
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect, Texture image);
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect, GUIContent content);
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect, string text, GUIStyle style);
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect, Texture image, GUIStyle style);
public GUILayout.AreaScope (Rect screenRect, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style);


text Optional text to display in the area.
image Optional texture to display in the area.
content Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.
style The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.


Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.