Version: 2021.1
언어: 한국어
public void SetVertices (Vector3[] inVertices);
public void SetVertices (List<Vector3> inVertices);
public void SetVertices (NativeArray<T> inVertices);


inVertices Per-vertex positions.


Assigns a new vertex positions array.

See Also: vertices property.

public void SetVertices (Vector3[] inVertices, int start, int length, Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags flags= MeshUpdateFlags.Default);
public void SetVertices (List<Vector3> inVertices, int start, int length, Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags flags= MeshUpdateFlags.Default);
public void SetVertices (NativeArray<T> inVertices, int start, int length, Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags flags= MeshUpdateFlags.Default);


inVertices Per-vertex positions.
start Index of the first element to take from the input array.
length Number of elements to take from the input array.
flags Flags controlling the function behavior, see MeshUpdateFlags.


Sets the vertex positions of the Mesh, using a part of the input array.

This method behaves as if you called SetVertices with an array that is a slice of the whole array, starting at start index and being of a given length. The resulting Mesh has length amount of vertices.