Version: 2020.3
언어: 한국어



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Options for the application's actual rendering threading mode.

The combination of Player Settings PlayerSettings.MTRendering, PlayerSettings.graphicsJobs and PlayerSettings.graphicsJobsMode, as well as the target platform capabilities decides the rendering threading mode during the start of the Unity Editor or Standalone. After startup, you can use the property SystemInfo.renderingThreadingMode to query the rendering threading mode.
See the tutorial page Multithreaded Rendering & Graphics Jobs for a comparison of different rendering threading modes.


DirectUse the Direct enum to directly render your application from the main thread.
SingleThreadedUse SingleThreaded for internal debugging. It uses only a single thread to simulate RenderingThreadingMode.MultiThreaded.
MultiThreadedGenerates intermediate graphics commands via the main thread. The render thread converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands.
LegacyJobifiedGenerates intermediate graphics commands via several worker threads. A single render thread then converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands.
NativeGraphicsJobsMain thread generates intermediate graphics commands. Render thread converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands. Render thread can also dispatch graphics jobs to several worker threads.
NativeGraphicsJobsWithoutRenderThreadGenerates intermediate graphics commands via several worker threads and converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands.