
매뉴얼로 전환
public static void SetDialogOptOutDecision (DialogOptOutDecisionType dialogOptOutDecisionType, string dialogOptOutDecisionStorageKey, bool optOutDecision);


dialogOptOutDecisionTypeThe type of opt-out decision a user can make.
dialogOptOutDecisionStorageKeyThe unique key setting to store the decision under.
optOutDecisionThe unique key setting to store the decision under.


This method displays a modal dialog that lets the user opt-out of being shown the current dialog box again.

Use this method as a short-hand to set the opt-out decision a user can make on a dialog displayed via DisplayDialog.

You don't need to set this after you call DisplayDialog, as Unity handles it automatically.

If the user chooses to opt-out of a dialog box, Unity stores this decision. If dialogOptOutDecisionType is set to DialogOptOutDecisionType.ForThisMachine Unity stores it via EditorPrefs.SetBool. If dialogOptOutDecisionType is set to DialogOptOutDecisionType.ForThisSession Unity stores it via SessionState.SetBool. In both cases Unity stores it under the key provided as dialogOptOutDecisionStorageKey.

This method automatically sets the decision in the storage place based on the provided dialogOptOutDecisionType.

See Also: DisplayDialog function.