public void SetTexture (int kernelIndex, string name, Texture texture);
public void SetTexture (int kernelIndex, int nameID, Texture texture);
public void SetTexture (int kernelIndex, string name, Texture texture, int mipLevel);
public void SetTexture (int kernelIndex, int nameID, Texture texture, int mipLevel);
public void SetTexture (int kernelIndex, string name, RenderTexture texture, int mipLevel, Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement element);
public void SetTexture (int kernelIndex, int nameID, RenderTexture texture, int mipLevel, Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement element);


kernelIndexFor which kernel the texture is being set. See FindKernel.
nameIDProperty name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
nameName of the buffer variable in shader code.
textureTexture to set.
mipLevelOptional mipmap level of the read-write texture.
elementOptional sub element that specifies the type of data from the render texture to set.


Set a texture parameter.

This function can either set a regular texture that is read in the compute shader, or an output texture that is written into by the shader. For an output texture, it has to be a RenderTexture with random write flag enabled, see RenderTexture.enableRandomWrite.

Please note that the mipLevel parameter is ignored unless the shader specifies a read-write (unordered access) texture.

Buffers and textures are set per-kernel. Use FindKernel to find kernel index by function name.

By specifying a RenderTextureSubElement, you can indicate which type of data from the render texture to set. The possible options are: RenderTextureSubElement.Color, RenderTextureSubElement.Depth, RenderTextureSubElement.Stencil.

See Also: FindKernel, See Also: SetFloat, SetFloats, SetInt, SetInts, SetBool, SetBuffer, SetMatrix, SetMatrixArray, SetVector, SetVectorArray., RenderTexture.enableRandomWrite, RenderTextureSubElement.

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