Version: 2017.1
public static bool AddPlayer (Networking.NetworkConnection readyConn, short playerControllerId, Networking.MessageBase extraMessage);
public static bool AddPlayer (Networking.NetworkConnection readyConn, short playerControllerId);
public static bool AddPlayer (short playerControllerId);


readyConn 接続準備のできたクライアント
playerControllerId ローカル プレイヤー ID
extraMessage プレイヤーのためにサーバーへ送信することのできる追加のメッセージオブジェクト


bool 追加された場合 true を返します。


This adds a player GameObject for this client. This causes an AddPlayer message to be sent to the server, and NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer is called. If an extra message was passed to AddPlayer, then OnServerAddPlayer will be called with a NetworkReader that contains the contents of the message.

The HLAPI treats players and clients as separate GameObjects. In most cases, there is a single player for each client, but in some situations (for example, when there are multiple controllers connected to a console system) there might be multiple player GameObjects for a single connection. When there are multiple players for a single connection, use the playerControllerId property to tell them apart. This is an identifier that is scoped to the connection, so that it maps to the id of the controller associated with the player on that client. This is not the global player number.