src | ソーステクスチャ (コピー元のテクスチャ) |
dst | コピー先のテクスチャ |
srcElement | コピー元テクスチャの要素 (キューブマップ表面、テクスチャ配列レイヤー、3D テクスチャデプススライス) |
srcMip | ソーステクスチャのミップマップレベル |
dstElement | コピー先テクスチャの要素 (キューブマップ表面、テクスチャ配列レイヤー、3D テクスチャデプススライス) |
dstMip | コピー先テクスチャのミップマップレベル |
srcX | コピーするソーステクスチャの x 座標 (左側が 0)。 |
srcY | コピーするソーステクスチャの Y 座標 (一番下が 0)。 |
srcWidth | コピーするソーステクスチャの幅 |
srcHeight | コピーするソーステクスチャの高さ |
dstX | コピー先範囲の x 座標 (左側が 0)。 |
dstY | コピー先範囲の Y 座標 (一番下が 0)。 |
This function allows copying pixel data from one texture into another efficiently.
It also allows copying from an element (e.g. cubemap face) or a specific mip level, and from a subregion of a texture.
Copying does not do any scaling, i.e. source and destination sizes must be the same. Texture formats should be compatible
(for example, TextureFormat.ARGB32 and RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32 are compatible). Exact rules for which formats
are compatible vary a bit between graphics APIs; generally formats that are exactly the same can always be copied.
On some platforms (e.g. D3D11) you can also copy between formats that are of the same bit width.
Compressed texture formats add some restrictions to the CopyTexture with a region variant. For example, PVRTC formats
are not supported since they are not block-based (for these formats you can only copy whole texture or whole mip level).
For block-based formats (e.g. DXT, ETC), the region size and coordinates must be a multiple of compression block size
(4 pixels for DXT).
If both source and destination textures are marked as "readable" (i.e. copy of data exists
in system memory for reading/writing on the CPU), these functions copy it as well.
Some platforms might not have functionality of all sorts of texture copying (e.g. copy from a
render texture into a regular texture). See CopyTextureSupport, and use
SystemInfo.copyTextureSupport to check.
See Also: CopyTextureSupport.