Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
Method group is Obsolete


Obsolete public static GameObject FindValidUploadPrefabInstanceRoot (GameObject target);


target 指定されたゲームオブジェクト


GameObject Return the root game object of the Prefab Asset.


Returns the root GameObject of the Prefab instance if that root Prefab instance is a parent of the Prefab.

A Prefab internally consists of a Prefab object and the list of objects used for the Prefab. The Prefab object has a reference to the root GameObject. Also, if the Prefab is an instance, it contains a reference to the Prefab Asset it was created from and a list of the overrides (if any) on the instance.

This works in the same way as PrefabUtility.FindRootGameObjectWithSameParentPrefab but it will return the root GameObject of the Prefab Asset. This is useful if you have a disconnected Prefab instance object and you want to know the root game object of the Prefab Asset which it used to be connected to.