Class TimeNotificationBehaviour
Use this PlayableBehaviour to send notifications at a given time.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Timeline
Assembly: solution.dll
public class TimeNotificationBehaviour : PlayableBehaviour, IPlayableBehaviour, ICloneable
Name | Description |
timeSource | Sets an optional Playable that provides duration and Wrap mode information. |
Name | Description |
AddNotification(double, INotification, NotificationFlags) | Adds a notification to be sent with flags, at a specific time. |
Create(PlayableGraph, double, DirectorWrapMode) | Creates and initializes a ScriptPlayable with a TimeNotificationBehaviour. |
OnBehaviourPause(Playable, FrameData) | This method is called when the Playable play state is changed to PlayState.Paused |
OnGraphStart(Playable) | This method is called when the PlayableGraph that owns this PlayableBehaviour starts. |
PrepareFrame(Playable, FrameData) | This method is called during the PrepareFrame phase of the PlayableGraph. |