Version: 5.6
public IDs ();



以下は、ストアクラスの IDs の生成例です。

using UnityEngine.Purchasing;

public class MyStoreConfiguration { public static ConfigurationBuilder CreateBuilder() { ConfigurationBuilder builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance()); // Use this approach when products have different identifiers on different stores. // Here, the store-specific ID is "levelpackfoo" for AppleAppStore and all others, // except for GooglePlay and WinRT where it is "com.unity3d.purchasing.levelpackfoo". IDs productIds = new IDs() { { "levelpackfoo" }, { "com.unity3d.purchasing.levelpackfoo", GooglePlay.Name, WinRT.Name } }; builder.AddProduct("levelpackfoo", ProductType.NonConsumable, productIds); return builder; } }