Version: 5.4
public Vector2 CalcSize (GUIContent content);



この関数では折り返しは考慮しません。これを行うには割り当てる幅を決定する必要があり、折り返しの高さを把握する CalcHeight を呼び出します。

	// Simple custom editor that when any SimpleExampleScript
	// is detected in the inspector, it shows it as an IntSlider
	// and a GUILayouted bar.
	class CustomEditorExample extends Editor {
		function OnInspectorGUI() {
			// Get the place of the next available position in the script
			target.damage = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Damage:",target.damage,1,100);
			ProgressBar (target.damage / 100.0, "Damage");
			target.armor = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Armor:",target.armor,1,100);
			ProgressBar (target.armor / 100.0, "Armor");
		// Custom GUILayout progress bar.
		function ProgressBar (value : float, label : String) {
			var size : Vector2 ="ProgressBarText").CalcSize(GUIContent(label));
			var rect : Rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (size.x, Mathf.Max(size.y));
			rect = Rect(rect.x + 4, rect.y, rect.width -8, rect.height);
			EditorGUI.ProgressBar (rect, value, label);


	// SimpleExampleScript.js
	// This is not an editor script.
	var armor : int = 75;
	var damage : int = 25;