SketchUpImportCamera デフォルトのカメラ
The default camera or the camera of the active Scene which the SketchUp file was saved with.
SketchUpImportCamera に格納されているパースペクティブカメラの場合のデフォルトカメラの参照とログの例を以下に示します。
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class SketchUpUtility { public static void IsDefaultCameraPerspective(GameObject go) { string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(go); // get asset path // get SketchUpImporter SketchUpImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as SketchUpImporter; if (importer == null) { Debug.Log("This object is not imported by SketchUpImporter"); return; }
SketchUpImportCamera camera = importer.GetDefaultCamera(); // get all the scenes
Debug.Log("The default camera is " + (camera.isPerspective ? "perspective" : "orthogonal")); } }