Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語





Flags that determine the behavior of a sub-mesh in a RayTracingAccelerationStructure.

When you call RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance, you can pass a Renderer as argument. The Renderer's Mesh can have one or more sub-meshes. Use these flags to determine the behavior of individual sub-meshes when building an acceleration structure, or when performing ray tracing.

See Also: RayTracingAccelerationStructure, MeshFilter.sharedMesh, Mesh.subMeshCount.


DisabledUnity skips the sub-mesh when building a RayTracingAccelerationStructure. As a result, rays cast using TraceRay HLSL function will never intersect the sub-mesh.
EnabledThe sub-mesh is provided as input to a RayTracingAccelerationStructure build operation.
ClosestHitOnlyWhen rays encounter this geometry, the geometry acts as though no any hit shader is present. The geometry is considered opaque.
UniqueAnyHitCallsThis flag enables the guarantee that for a given ray-triangle pair, an any hit shader is invoked only once, potentially with some performance impact.