Version: 2019.4





This enum provides context to where the 0,0,0 point of tracking for InputDevices is.

Each XRInputSubsystem has a single origin for all reported InputDevices. The origin can be relative to either real-world objects, such as a physical tracking device, or virtual objects, such as the center of a user-drawn bounding region.


UnknownTrackingOriginModeFlags.Unknown enumerates when the XRInputSubsystem was not able to set its tracking origin or has no tracking.
Device XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in reference to the first known location of a specific InputDevice when set to TrackingOriginModeFlags.Device.
Floor XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in reference to a point on the floor when set to TrackingOriginModeFlags.Floor.
TrackingReference XRInputSubsystem tracks all InputDevices in reference to an InputDevice with the InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackingReference flag set when set to TrackingOriginModeFlags.TrackingReference.

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