Version: 2018.4


public RenderTargetIdentifier (Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType type);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (string name);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (int nameID);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (Texture tex);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier renderTargetIdentifier, int mipLevel, CubemapFace cubeFace, int depthSlice);


nameIDテンポラリーレンダリングテクスチャ名 (整数として。 Shader.PropertyToID を参照してください。)
texRenderTexture or Texture object to use.
mipLevelMipLevel of the RenderTexture to use.
cubemapFaceCubemap face of the Cubemap RenderTexture to use.
depthSliceDepth slice of the Array RenderTexture to use.
renderTargetIdentifierAn existing render target identifier.


レンダーターゲットの Identifier を作成します。

Textures can be identified in a number of ways, for example a RenderTexture object, or a Texture object, or one of built-in render textures (BuiltinRenderTextureType), or a temporary render texture with a name (that was created using CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT).

RenderTargetIdentifier can be implicitly created from a RenderTexture reference, or a Texture reference, or a BuiltinRenderTextureType, or a name.

A RenderTargetIdentifier created from Texture reference is only valid when passed to CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture

See Also: CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget, CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture.

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