Version: 2017.3


other この衝突に含まれるその他の Collider


Collider が他のトリガーイベントに侵入したときに OnTriggerEnter が呼び出されます。

This message is sent to the trigger collider and the rigidbody (or the collider if there is no rigidbody) that touches the trigger. Notes: Trigger events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a rigidbody attached. Trigger events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Destroy(other.gameObject); } }

OnTriggerEnter は関数の中にシンプルな yield 文を使用して、コルーチンにすることができます。