Preferences reference
Use the Preferences window to customize your preferences for the Unity Hub. To switch between different Preferences windows, use the left navigation menu.
To access the Preferences window, select the gear icon at the top of the left navigation menu.
The following table describes each property in the Preferences window:
Property | Description | |
Projects | Specify the folders where you create new projects through the Hub. | |
Installs | Specify a location for Editor and Learn installations and downloads. An error might appear to alert you that the location isn't valid if there's insufficient space or it isn't accessible to your user account. In this case, choose another location. | |
Installs location | Select a location for Editor and Learn installations. The default locations are: /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor for macOS, C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor for Windows, and /home/Unity/Hub/Editor for Linux. |
Downloads location | Select a location for Editor and Learn downloads. The default location is the temp directory. |
Appearance | Change the appearance of the Hub. | |
Theme | Select a light or dark theme. | |
Menu bar | Hide the Hub application from view when you open the Unity Editor. | |
Language | Select the display language. | |
Licenses | Add, return, and view licenses. | |
Advanced | Choose whether to receive Hub updates from the Production or Beta release channel. |