Version: 5.5


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public static AsyncOperation UnloadSceneAsync (int sceneBuildIndex);
public static AsyncOperation UnloadSceneAsync (string sceneName);
public static AsyncOperation UnloadSceneAsync (SceneManagement.Scene scene);


sceneBuildIndex Indice de la escena en los BuildSettings.
sceneName Nombre o ruta de la escena a des-cargar.
scene Escena ha descargar.

Valor de retorno

AsyncOperation Utilice AsyncOperation para determinar si la operación ha completado.


Destroys all GameObjects associated with the given scene and removes the scene from the SceneManager.

The given scene name can either be the full scene path, the path shown in the Build Settings window or just the scene name. If only the scene name is given this will load the first scene in the list that matches. If you have multiple scenes with same name but different paths, you should use the full scene path. Examples of supported formats: "Assets/Scenes/Scene1.unity" "Scenes/Scene1" "Scene1"

Tenga en cuenta que este caso no es sensible y debido a que no puede ser sincrónico no hay garantía acerca del tiempo final.

Tenga en cuenta que los assets actualmente no están des-cargados, con el fin de librar memoria asset llame Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets.