Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public function GetTemporaryRT(nameID: int, width: int, height: int, depthBuffer: int = 0, filter: FilterMode = FilterMode.Point, format: RenderTextureFormat = RenderTextureFormat.Default, readWrite: RenderTextureReadWrite = RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, antiAliasing: int = 1): void;
public void GetTemporaryRT(int nameID, int width, int height, int depthBuffer = 0, FilterMode filter = FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat format = RenderTextureFormat.Default, RenderTextureReadWrite readWrite = RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, int antiAliasing = 1);


nameID Shader property name for this texture.
width Width in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel width".
height Height in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel height".
depthBuffer Depth buffer bits (0, 16 or 24).
filter Texture filtering mode (default is Point).
format Format of the render texture (default is ARGB32).
readWrite Color space conversion mode.
antiAliasing Anti-aliasing (default is no anti-aliasing).


Add a "get a temporary render texture" command.

This creates a temporary render texture with given parameters, and sets it up as a global shader property with nameID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to create the integer name.

Release the temporary render texture using ReleaseTemporaryRT, passing the same nameID. Any temporary textures that were not explicitly released will be removed after camera is done rendering, or after Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer is done.

After getting a temporary render texture, you can set it as active (SetRenderTarget) or blit to/from it (Blit). You do not explicitly need to preserve active render targets during command buffer execution (current render targets are saved & restored afterwards).

See Also: ReleaseTemporaryRT, SetRenderTarget, Blit.