Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public function SetRequestHeader(name: string, value: string): void;
public void SetRequestHeader(string name, string value);


name The key of the header to be set. Case-sensitive.
value The header's intended value.


Set a HTTP request header to a custom value.

Header keys and values must be valid according to RFC 2616. Neither string may contain certain illegal characters, such as control characters. Both strings must be non-null and contain a minimum of 1 character. For more information, see RFC 2616, section 4.2.

This method cannot be called after Send has been called.

On all platforms, the following headers may not have custom values set: accept-charset, accept-encoding, access-control-request-headers, access-control-request-method, connection, date, dnt, expect, host, keep-alive, origin, referer, te, trailer, transfer-encoding, upgrade, via.

The content-length header will be automatically populated based on the contents of the attached DownloadHandler, if any, and cannot be set to a custom value.

The user-agent and x-unity-version headers are automatically set by Unity and may not be set to custom values.

In addition to the above, the following headers are filled by the web browser on the WebGL platform, and therefore may not have custom values set: cookie, cookie2.