Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public var chunkedTransfer: bool;
public bool chunkedTransfer;


Indicates whether the UnityWebRequest system should employ the HTTP/1.1 chunked-transfer encoding method.

This property indicates whether the UnityWebRequest should employ the HTTP/1.1 chunked-transfer encoding method, which allows the system to send partial data and be prompted by the server for more data with a 100/Continue HTTP response. This property cannot be changed after calling Send.

In general, this property should usually be set to true, as it can conserve bandwidth when sending large amounts of data to the server. This setting has no impact on requests with do not transmit data to the server, such as GET requests.

Note: On WebGL build targets, this setting is ignored. Instead, the web browser handles protocol negotiations.

Default value: true.