Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
  • C#
  • JS

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Cambiar al Manual


Defines what time source is used to update a Director graph.


DSPClockUpdate is based on DSP (Digital Sound Processing) clock. Use this for graphs that need to be synchronized with Audio.
GameTimeUpdate is based on Time.time. Use this for graphs that need to be synchronized on gameplay, and that need to be paused when the game is paused.
UnscaledGameTimeUpdate is based on Time.unscaledTime. Use this for graphs that need to be updated even when gameplay is paused. Example: Menus transitions need to be updated even when the game is paused.
ManualUpdate mode is manual. You need to manually call PlayerController.Tick with your own deltaTime. This can be useful for graphs that can be completely disconnected from the rest of the the game. Example: Localized Bullet time.