
class in UnityEditor

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Stores settings of a TextureImporter.

See Also: TextureImporter.


alphaIsTransparencyIf the provided alpha channel is transparency, enable this to dilate the color to avoid filtering artifacts on the edges.
alphaSourceSelect how the alpha of the imported texture is generated.
alphaTestReferenceValueReturns or assigns the alpha test reference value.
anisoNivel de filtrado anisotrópico de la textura.
borderMipmapEnable this to avoid colors seeping out to the edge of the lower Mip levels. Used for light cookies.
convertToNormalMapConvertir al heightmap a normal map?
cubemapConvolutionConvolution mode.
fadeOutFade hacia fuera los niveles del mip al color gris?
filterModeModo de filtrado de la textura.
generateCubemapModo de generación Cubemap.
heightmapScaleCantidad de bumpyness (rebote) en el heightmap.
ignorePngGammaIgnore the Gamma attribute in PNG files. This property does not effect other file formats.
mipmapBiasMip map bias de la textura.
mipmapEnabledGenerate mip maps for the texture?
mipmapFadeDistanceEndMip level where texture is faded out to gray completely.
mipmapFadeDistanceStartMip level where texture begins to fade out to gray.
mipmapFilterEl modo de filtro Mipmap.
mipMapsPreserveCoverageEnables or disables coverage-preserving alpha MIP mapping.
normalMapFilterModo de filtrado del mapa de normales.
npotScaleModo de escala para no texturas sin potencia a la 2.
readableSon los datos de la textura leíbles desde scripts.
singleChannelComponentColor or Alpha component Single Channel Textures uses.
spriteAlignmentEdge-relative alignment of the sprite graphic.
spriteBorderEl tamaño de los bordes de los sprites generados.
spriteExtrudeEl número de píxeles en blanco para dejar entre el borde del gráfico y el mesh.
spriteGenerateFallbackPhysicsShapeGenerates a default physics shape for a Sprite if a physics shape has not been set by the user.
spriteMeshType SpriteMeshType defines the type of Mesh that TextureImporter generates for a Sprite.
spriteModeSprite texture import mode.
spritePivotPivot point of the Sprite relative to its graphic's rectangle.
spritePixelsPerUnitLa cantidad de pixeles en el sprite que corresponden a una unidad en el espacio del mundo.
spriteTessellationDetailThe tessellation detail to be used for generating the mesh for the associated sprite if the SpriteMode is set to Single. For Multiple sprites, use the SpriteEditor to specify the value per sprite. Valid values are in the range [0-1], with higher values generating a tighter mesh. A default of -1 will allow Unity to determine the value automatically.
sRGBTextureIs texture storing color data?
streamingMipmapsEnable mipmap streaming for this texture.
streamingMipmapsPriorityRelative priority for this texture when reducing memory size in order to hit the memory budget.
textureShapeShape of imported texture.
textureTypeQué tipo de textura estamos tratando aquí.
wrapModeTexture coordinate wrapping mode.
wrapModeUTexture U coordinate wrapping mode.
wrapModeVTexture V coordinate wrapping mode.
wrapModeWTexture W coordinate wrapping mode for Texture3D.

Funciones Públicas

ApplyTextureTypeConfigure parameters to import a texture for a purpose of type, as described here.
CopyToCopy parameters into another TextureImporterSettings object.

Funciones Estáticas

EqualTest texture importer settings for equality.