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public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, ComputeBuffer src, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, ComputeBuffer src, int size, int offset, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, GraphicsBuffer src, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, GraphicsBuffer src, int size, int offset, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, int mipIndex, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, int mipIndex, TextureFormat dstFormat, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, int mipIndex, Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat dstFormat, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, int mipIndex, int x, int width, int y, int height, int z, int depth, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, int mipIndex, int x, int width, int y, int height, int z, int depth, TextureFormat dstFormat, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);
public void RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray (ref NativeArray<T> output, Texture src, int mipIndex, int x, int width, int y, int height, int z, int depth, Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat dstFormat, Action<AsyncGPUReadbackRequest> callback);


outputReference to a NativeArray to write the data into.
srcThe resource to read the data from.
sizeThe size in bytes of the data to be retrieved from the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer.
offsetThe offset in bytes in the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer.
mipIndexThe index of the mipmap to be retrieved.
dstFormatThe target TextureFormat of the data. If the target format is different from the format stored on the GPU, the conversion is automatic.
xThe starting X coordinate in pixels of the Texture data to be retrieved.
yThe starting Y coordinate in pixels of the Texture data to be retrieved.
zThe starting Z coordinate in pixels for the Texture3D being retrieved. Index of Start layer for TextureCube, Texture2DArray and TextureCubeArray being retrieved.
depthThe depth in pixels for Texture3D being retrieved. Number of layers for TextureCube, TextureArray and TextureCubeArray.
widthThe width in pixels of the Texture data to be retrieved.
heightThe height in pixels of the Texture data to be retrieved.
callbackA delegate System.Action called when the request is completed. The done request is passed as a parameter to the System.Action callback.


Adds an asynchonous GPU readback request command to the command buffer.