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public double GetItemColumnDataAsDouble (int id, int column);


idHierarchy item identifier.
columnColumn identifier.

Valor de retorno

double Value of the correspnding column as double.


Returns double representation of hierarchy item value associated with the column.

Use to retrieve value with high precision for columns such as columnStartTime which represents sample start time in milliseconds.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Profiling;
using UnityEditorInternal;

class Example { static List<int> childrenIdCache = new List<int>();

static int FindChildItemByFunctionName(HierarchyFrameDataView frameData, int parentId, string functionName) { frameData.GetItemChildren(parentId, childrenIdCache); foreach (var childId in childrenIdCache) { var name = frameData.GetItemName(childId); if (name == functionName) return childId; }

return HierarchyFrameDataView.invalidSampleId; }

static double GetSampleStartTime(string sampleName) { using (var frameData = ProfilerDriver.GetHierarchyFrameDataView(ProfilerDriver.lastFrameIndex, 0, HierarchyFrameDataView.ViewModes.Default, HierarchyFrameDataView.columnDontSort, false)) { var sampleId = FindChildItemByFunctionName(frameData, frameData.GetRootItemID(), sampleName); if (HierarchyFrameDataView.invalidSampleId == sampleId) return 0;

double startTime = frameData.GetItemColumnDataAsDouble(sampleId, HierarchyFrameDataView.columnStartTime); return startTime; } } }