Version: 2022.3
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


public NavMeshQuery (Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld world, Unity.Collections.Allocator allocator, int pathNodePoolSize);


world NavMeshWorld 对象,用作导航网格对象集合的入口点。查询操作可以使用此对象。
allocator 指示对象所需寿命的标签。(**已知问题:**allocator 目前无效。)
pathNodePoolSize The number of nodes temporarily stored in the query during search operations. The maximum number of nodes is 65,535. By default, if unspecified, the number of nodes is set to 0.


创建 NavMeshQuery 对象并分配内存以存储导航网格节点信息(如果需要)。

You must specify a pathNodePoolSize greater than 0 to use the NavMeshQuery object for pathfinding methods (BeginFindPath, UpdateFindPath, EndFindPath, GetPathResult ). If the node pool size for the NavMeshQuery object is too small, the pathfinding method returns a PathQueryStatus.OutOfNodes status. The range of pathNodePoolSize is 0 through 65,535.

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