Version: 2022.2


当鼠标悬停在 Collider 上时,每帧调用一次。

OnMouseEnter 在鼠标处于该对象上方的第一帧调用。 然后,每帧都调用 OnMouseOver,直到移开鼠标 - 此时,调用 OnMouseExit

This function is not called on objects that belong to Ignore Raycast layer.

This function is called on Colliders and 2D Colliders marked as trigger when the following properties are set to true:

- For 3D physics: Physics.queriesHitTriggers

- For 2D physics: Physics2D.queriesHitTriggers

OnMouseOver 可以是协程,在函数中只是使用 yield 语句。 此事件将发送至附加到 Collider 的所有脚本。

//Attach this script to a GameObject to have it output messages when your mouse hovers over it.
using UnityEngine;

public class OnMouseOverExample : MonoBehaviour { void OnMouseOver() { //If your mouse hovers over the GameObject with the script attached, output this message Debug.Log("Mouse is over GameObject."); }

void OnMouseExit() { //The mouse is no longer hovering over the GameObject so output this message each frame Debug.Log("Mouse is no longer on GameObject."); } }


// This second example changes the GameObject's color to red when the mouse hovers over it
// Ensure the GameObject has a MeshRenderer

using UnityEngine;

public class OnMouseOverColor : MonoBehaviour { //When the mouse hovers over the GameObject, it turns to this color (red) Color m_MouseOverColor =;

//This stores the GameObject’s original color Color m_OriginalColor;

//Get the GameObject’s mesh renderer to access the GameObject’s material and color MeshRenderer m_Renderer;

void Start() { //Fetch the mesh renderer component from the GameObject m_Renderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); //Fetch the original color of the GameObject m_OriginalColor = m_Renderer.material.color; }

void OnMouseOver() { // Change the color of the GameObject to red when the mouse is over GameObject m_Renderer.material.color = m_MouseOverColor; }

void OnMouseExit() { // Reset the color of the GameObject back to normal m_Renderer.material.color = m_OriginalColor; } }

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