Version: 2021.2


public static TerrainTools.PaintContext CreateFromBounds (Terrain terrain, Rect boundsInTerrainSpace, int inputTextureWidth, int inputTextureHeight, int extraBorderPixels= 0, bool sharedBoundaryTexel= true, bool fillOutsideTerrain= true);


terrain 用于为此 PaintContext 定义地形空间的地形。
boundsInTerrainSpace 要在目标地形纹理中编辑的地形空间边界。
inputTextureWidth Width of the input Terrain Texture for all connected Terrains.
inputTextureHeight Height of the input Terrain Texture for all connected Terrains.
extraBorderPixels Number of extra border pixels required. The default value is 0.
sharedBoundaryTexel Whether to stretch the Textures so that edge texels lie on the Terrain boundary, and are shared with connected Terrains.
fillOutsideTerrain Whether to fill empty space outside of the Terrain tiles with data from the nearest tile.


构造一个 PaintContext 以用于编辑 boundsInTerrainSpace 和 extraBorderPixels 所定义区域中的地形上的纹理。

This function calculates a pixelRect from boundsInTerrainSpace and extraBorderPixels, and then constructs a PaintContext from the pixelRect.

This function is called internally by TerrainPaintUtility.BeginPaintHeightmap, TerrainPaintUtility.BeginPaintTexture and TerrainPaintUtility.CollectNormals.

See Also: PaintContext.