
version此程序集兼容的 Unity 版本。
checkOnlyUnityVersion必须设置为 true。


初始化 UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute 的新实例。

Instructs APIUpdater to only check Unity version when deciding whether assemblies should be inspected for obsolete API usages ignoring any other sources of update configurations. This overload is meant to be used only during development cycle in scenarios in which game code is built outside unity and imported as assemblies to avoid AssemblyUpdater checking the assembly. As an alternative you should consider passing disable-assembly-updater as a command line argument (see Unity manual for more details).

public UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute (string version);


version此程序集兼容的 Unity 版本。


初始化 UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute 的新实例。此重载已弃用。


version此程序集兼容的 Unity 版本。
configurationAssembliesHashesComma separated list of hash of the contents of all referenced assemblies (by the assembly the attribute is applied to) that contains updater configurations in the form "assemblyname:hash,assemblyname:hash...".


初始化 UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute 的新实例。此构造函数供内部工具使用。