public static Build.Content.SceneDependencyInfo PrepareScene (string scenePath, Build.Content.BuildSettings settings, Build.Content.BuildUsageTagSet usageSet, string outputFolder);
public static Build.Content.SceneDependencyInfo PrepareScene (string scenePath, Build.Content.BuildSettings settings, Build.Content.BuildUsageTagSet usageSet, Build.Content.BuildUsageCache usageCache, string outputFolder);


usageCache可选的缓存对象,用于在多次调用此 API 时提高性能。
scenePathInput path of the scene to prepare.
settingsSettings to use for preparing the scene.
usageSetOutput usage information generated from preparing the scene.
outputFolderOutput location where the post prepared scene will be saved.


SceneDependencyInfo Dependency information for the scene.


Calculates the scene dependency information and writes a post processed scene to disk.

仅限内部使用。请参阅有关 ContentBuildInterface 的注意事项。