public void ExportBitmaps (ProceduralMaterial material, string exportPath, bool alphaRemap);


materialThe ProceduralMaterial whose output textures will be saved.
exportPathPath to a folder where the output bitmaps will be saved. The folder will be created if it doesn't already exist.
alphaRemapIndicates whether alpha channel remapping should be performed.


Export the bitmaps generated by a ProceduralMaterial as TGA files.

When alphaRemap is false, the ProceduralTextures are saved with their original alpha channel, as they are setup in the SBSAR asset.
When alphaRemap is true, the ProceduralTextures are saved with their alpha channel remapped according to the alpha channel selection dropdowns. For instance, the smoothness output is often shuffled into the metallic (or specular) output's alpha channel to meet the standard shader's expectations. In that particular case, setting alphaRemap to true will export a metallic (or specular) output with an alpha channel replaced with the smoothness values.