Class ConditionalCompilationUtility
The Conditional Compilation Utility (CCU) will add defines to the build settings once dependent classes have been detected. In order for this to be specified in any project without the project needing to include the CCU, at least one custom attribute must be created in the following form:
[Conditional(UNITY_CCU)] // | This is necessary for CCU to pick up the right attributes public class OptionalDependencyAttribute : Attribute // | Must derive from System.Attribute { public string dependentClass; // | Required field specifying the fully qualified dependent class public string define; // | Required field specifying the define to add }
Then, simply specify the assembly attribute(s) you created: [assembly: OptionalDependency("UnityEngine.InputNew.InputSystem", "USE_NEW_INPUT")] [assembly: OptionalDependency("Valve.VR.IVRSystem", "ENABLE_STEAMVR_INPUT")]
namespace Foo { ... }
Namespace: Unity.XRTools.Utils
public static class ConditionalCompilationUtility