Enum XrResult
XR Results returned by XR subsystem callbacks
Namespace: UnityEngine .XR.OpenXR .NativeTypes
Assembly: Unity.XR.OpenXR.dll
public enum XrResult
Name | Description |
ActionTypeMismatch | The API used to retrieve an action’s state does not match the action’s type. |
ActionsetNotAttached | A referenced action set is not attached to the session. |
ActionsetsAlreadyAttached | The session already has attached action sets. |
AndroidThreadSettingsFailureKHR |
AndroidThreadSettingsIdInvalidKHR |
AndroidThreadSettingsdFailureKHR |
ApiLayerNotPresent | A requested API layer is not present or could not be loaded. |
ApiVersionUnsupported | The runtime does not support the requested API version. |
CallOrderInvalid | The call was made without having made a previously required call. |
ColorSpaceUnsupportedFB | The color space is not supported by the runtime. (Added by the |
ComputeNewSceneNotCompletedMSFT | Compute new scene not completed. (Added by the |
ControllerModelKeyInvalidMSFT | The controller model key is invalid. (Added by the |
CreateSpatialAnchorFailedMSFT | Spatial anchor could not be created at that location. (Added by the |
DisplayRefreshRateUnsupportedFB | The display refresh rate is not supported by the platform. (Added by the |
EnvironmentBlendModeUnsupported | The specified environment blend mode is not supported by the runtime or platform. |
EnvironmentDepthNotAvailableMETA | Warning: The requested depth image is not yet available. (Added by the |
EventUnavailable | No event was available. |
ExtensionDependencyNotEnabled | One or more of the extensions being enabled has dependency on extensions that are not enabled. |
ExtensionDependencyNotEnabledKHR | Provided by |
ExtensionNotPresent | A requested extension is not supported. |
FeatureAlreadyCreatedPassthroughFB | Trying to create an MR feature when one was already created and only one instance is allowed. (Added by the |
FeatureRequiredPassthroughFB | Requested functionality requires a feature to be created first. (Added by the |
FeatureUnsupported | The requested feature is not supported. |
FileAccessError | The file could not be accessed. |
FileContentsInvalid | The file’s contents were invalid. |
FormFactorUnavailable | The specified form factor is supported, but the device is currently not available, e.g. not plugged in or powered off. |
FormFactorUnsupported | The specified form factor is not supported by the current runtime or platform. |
FrameDiscarded | A frame has been discarded from composition. |
FunctionUnsupported | The requested function was not found or is otherwise unsupported. |
FutureInvalidEXT | Returned by completion function to indicate future is not valid. (Added by the |
FuturePendingEXT | Returned by completion function to indicate future is not ready. (Added by the |
GraphicsDeviceInvalid | The given graphics device is not in a valid state. The graphics device could be lost or initialized without meeting graphics requirements. |
GraphicsRequirementsCallMissing | The |
HandleInvalid | A supplied object handle was invalid. |
HintAlreadySetQCOM | Tracking optimization hint is already set for the domain. (Added by the |
IndexOutOfRange | The supplied index was outside the range of valid indices. |
InitializationFailed | Initialization of object could not be completed. |
InstanceLost | The |
InsufficientResourcesPassthroughFB | There were insufficient resources available to perform an operation. (Added by the |
LayerInvalid | The layer was NULL or otherwise invalid. |
LayerLimitExceeded | The number of specified layers is greater than the supported number. |
LimitReached | The runtime supports no more of the requested resource. |
LocalizationMapAlreadyExistsML | The map being imported already exists in the system. (Added by the |
LocalizationMapCannotExportCloudMapML | The map localization service cannot export cloud based maps. (Added by the |
LocalizationMapFailML | The map localization service failed to fulfill the request, retry later. (Added by the |
LocalizationMapImportExportPermissionDeniedML | The com.magicleap.permission.SPACE_IMPORT_EXPORT permission was denied. (Added by the |
LocalizationMapIncompatibleML | The localization map being imported is not compatible with current OS or mode. (Added by the |
LocalizationMapPermissionDeniedML | The com.magicleap.permission.SPACE_MANAGER permission was denied. (Added by the |
LocalizationMapUnavailableML | The localization map requested is not available. (Added by the |
LocalizedNameDuplicated | The localized name provided was a duplicate of an already-existing resource. |
LocalizedNameInvalid | The localized name provided was invalid. |
LossPending | The session will be lost soon. |
MarkerDetectorInvalidCreateInfoML |
MarkerDetectorInvalidDataQueryML | The marker queried does not contain data of the requested type. (Added by the |
MarkerDetectorLocateFailedML | The specified marker could not be located spatially. (Added by the |
MarkerDetectorPermissionDeniedML | The com.magicleap.permission.MARKER_TRACKING permission was denied. (Added by the |
MarkerIdInvalidVARJO | The specified marker ID is not valid. (Added by the |
MarkerInvalidML | The marker id passed to the function was invalid. (Added by the |
MarkerNotTrackedVARJO | Marker tracking is disabled or the specified marker is not currently tracked. (Added by the |
MaxResult | Max XR Result Value |
NameDuplicated | The name provided was a duplicate of an already-existing resource. |
NameInvalid | The name provided was invalid. |
NotAnAnchorHTC | The provided space is valid but not an anchor. (Added by the |
NotPermittedPassthroughFB | Requested functionality is not permitted - application is not allowed to perform the requested operation. (Added by the |
OutOfMemory | A memory allocation has failed. |
PassthroughColorLutBufferSizeMismatchMETA | The provided data buffer did not match the required size. (Added by the |
PathCountExceeded | The maximum number of supported semantic paths has been reached. |
PathFormatInvalid | The semantic path character format is invalid. |
PathInvalid | The provided |
PathUnsupported | The semantic path is unsupported. |
PermissionInsufficient | Insufficient permissions. This error is included for use by vendor extensions. The precise definition of
PermissionInsufficientKHR | Provided by |
PlaneDetectionPermissionDeniedEXT | The permission for this resource was not granted. (Added by the |
PoseInvalid | The supplied pose was invalid with respect to the requirements. |
ReferenceSpaceUnsupported | The specified reference space is not supported by the runtime or system. |
RenderModelKeyInvalidFB | The model key is invalid. (Added by the |
RenderModelUnavailableFB | The model is unavailable. (Added by the |
ReprojectionModeUnsupportedMSFT | The reprojection mode is not supported. (Added by the |
RuntimeFailure | The runtime failed to handle the function in an unexpected way that is not covered by another error result. |
RuntimeUnavailable | The loader was unable to find or load a runtime. |
SceneComponentIdInvalidMSFT | Scene component id invalid. (Added by the |
SceneComponentTypeMismatchMSFT | Scene component type mismatch. (Added by the |
SceneComputeConsistencyMismatchMSFT | Scene compute consistency mismatch. (Added by the |
SceneComputeFeatureIncompatibleMSFT | Scene compute feature incompatible. (Added by the |
SceneMarkerDataNotStringMSFT | Marker does not encode a string. (Added by the |
SceneMeshBufferIdInvalidMSFT | Scene mesh buffer id invalid. (Added by the |
SecondaryViewConfigurationTypeNotEnabledMSFT | The secondary view configuration was not enabled when creating the session. (Added by the |
SessionLost | The |
SessionNotFocused | The session is not in the focused state. |
SessionNotReady | The session is not in the ready state. |
SessionNotRunning | The session is not yet running. |
SessionNotStopping | The session is not in the stopping state. |
SessionRunning | The session is already running. |
SizeInsufficient | The supplied size was smaller than required. |
SpaceBoundsUnavailable | The space’s bounds are not known at the moment. |
SpaceCloudStorageDisabledFB | Cloud storage is required for this operation but is currently disabled. (Added by the |
SpaceComponentNotEnabledFB | The required component is not enabled for this space. (Added by the |
SpaceComponentNotSupportedFB | The component type is not supported for this space. (Added by the |
SpaceComponentStatusAlreadySetFB | The component is already set to the requested value. (Added by the |
SpaceComponentStatusPendingFB | A request to set the component’s status is currently pending. (Added by the |
SpaceLocalizationFailedFB | Anchors were downloaded from the cloud but failed to be imported/aligned on the device. (Added by the |
SpaceMappingInsufficientFB | Anchor import from cloud or export from device failed. (Added by the |
SpaceNetworkRequestFailedFB | The network request failed. (Added by the |
SpaceNetworkTimeoutFB | Timeout occurred while waiting for network request to complete. (Added by the |
SpaceNotLocatableEXT | The space passed to the function was not locatable. (Added by the |
SpatialAnchorNameInvalidMSFT | The spatial anchor name provided was not valid (Added by the |
SpatialAnchorNameNotFoundMSFT | A spatial anchor was not found associated with the spatial anchor name provided (Added by the |
Success | Function successfully completed. |
SwapchainFormatUnsupported | The image format is not supported by the runtime or platform. |
SwapchainRectInvalid | The image rect was negatively sized or otherwise invalid. |
SystemInvalid | The provided |
TimeInvalid | The provided |
TimeoutExpired | The specified timeout time occurred before the operation could complete. |
TimeoutExpored | The specified timeout time occurred before the operation could complete. |
UnexpectedStatePassthroughFB | The object state is unexpected for the issued command. (Added by the |
UnknownPassthroughFB | Unknown Passthrough error (no further details provided). (Added by the |
ValidationFailure | The function usage was invalid in some way. |
ViewConfigurationTypeUnsupported | The specified view configuration type is not supported by the runtime or platform. |