Enum PerformanceLevelHint
Performance level of the platform.
Namespace: UnityEngine .XR.OpenXR .Features.Extensions.PerformanceSettings
Assembly: Unity.XR.OpenXR.dll
public enum PerformanceLevelHint
Use the members of this enumeration when setting a performance hint with XRPerformanceSettingsFeature.SetPerformanceLevelHint(PerformanceDomain, PerformanceLevelHint).
Name | Description |
Boost | The application will enter a very high complexity section, so performance will be boosted over sustainable thermal ranges. Note that usage of this level hint is recommended for short durations (less than 30 seconds). |
PowerSavings | The application will enter a non-XR section, so power savings will be prioritized over all. |
SustainedHigh | The application will enter a high or dynamic complexity section, so the application performance will be prioritized within sustainable thermal ranges. |
SustainedLow | The application will enter a low and stable complexity section, so power usage will be prioritized over late frame rendering. |