Climb Provider
Locomotion provider that allows the user to climb a Climb Interactable by selecting it. Climb locomotion moves the XR Origin counter to movement of the last selecting interactor, with optional movement constraints along each axis of the interactable.
Property | Description |
Mediator | The behavior that this provider communicates with for access to the mediator's XR Body Transformer. If one is not provided, this provider will attempt to locate one during its Awake call. |
Transform Priority | The queue order of this provider's transformations of the XR Origin. The lower the value, the earlier the transformations are applied. |
Providers To Disable | List of providers to disable while climb locomotion is active. If empty, no providers will be disabled by this component while climbing. |
Enable Gravity On Climb End | Whether to allow falling when climb locomotion ends. Disable to pause gravity when releasing, keeping the user from falling. |
Climb Settings | Climb locomotion settings. Can be overridden by the Climb Interactable used for locomotion. |
Use Asset | Enable to use a ClimbSettings object externally defined in a ClimbSettingsDatum asset that can be assigned using the accompanying field. |
Use Value | Enable to use a ClimbSettings object which comes with default values editable in the component editor. |
Allow Free X Movement | Controls whether to allow unconstrained movement along the Climb Interactable's x-axis. |
Allow Free Y Movement | Controls whether to allow unconstrained movement along the Climb Interactable's y-axis. |
Allow Free Z Movement | Controls whether to allow unconstrained movement along the Climb Interactable's z-axis. |