Namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Transformers
Grab transformer which supports translation, rotation and scaling while respecting the AR environment. This transformer constrains the interactable to the ARPlane during translation.
Event data associated with the event when an XRGrabInteractable is dropped by all interactors.
Abstract base class from which all grab transformer behaviors derive. Instances of this class can be assigned to an XRGrabInteractable using the Inspector by setting the Starting Single Grab Transformers (startingSingleGrabTransformers) and Starting Multiple Grab Transformers (startingMultipleGrabTransformers). This serves as a serializable reference instead of using the runtime list of grab transformers which is not serialized.
Grab transformer which supports moving and rotating unconstrained with multiple Interactors. Maintains the offset from the attachment points used for each Interactor and points in the direction made by each grab.
Grab transformer which supports moving and rotating unconstrained with one or two interactors. Also allows clamped or unclamped scaling when using two interactors. Allows axis constraints on translation. This is the default grab transformer.
Grab transformer which supports moving and rotating unconstrained with a single Interactor. Maintains the offset from the attachment point used for that Interactor.
Transformer used when an interactable is snapped to a socket. Applies both when select is active and when hover socket snapping is active.
An interface that allows the target position, rotation, and scale of an XRGrabInteractable to be calculated. This interface adds the ability for the grab transformer to be notified when the interactable is dropped and to process once more.
An interface that allows the target position, rotation, and scale of an XRGrabInteractable to be calculated. The Process(XRGrabInteractable, UpdatePhase, ref Pose, ref Vector3) method is responsible for calculating the pose that the interactable will move to and the scale it will be resized to. Implementers are only responsible for calculating the pose and scale, which is handled and applied by Unity in XRGrabInteractable.
Represents the alignment of a plane where translation is allowed.
Options for the register mode of the grab transformer.
Describes which combination of interactors influences a pose.
Constrained Axis Displacement Mode
Axis constraint enum.
Two handed rotation mode.