Class BurstMathUtility
Provides utility functions related to vector and quaternion calculations, optimized for use with the Burst compiler when available.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Utilities
public static class BurstMathUtility
LookRotationWithForwardProjectedOnPlane(in float3, in float3, out quaternion)
Computes the look rotation with the forward vector projected on a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
public static void LookRotationWithForwardProjectedOnPlane(in float3 forward, in float3 planeNormal, out quaternion lookRotation)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | forward | The forward vector to be projected onto the plane. |
float3 | planeNormal | The normal vector orthogonal to the plane. |
quaternion | lookRotation | The resulting look rotation with the projected forward vector and plane normal as up direction. |
LookRotationWithForwardProjectedOnPlane(in Vector3, in Vector3, out Quaternion)
Computes the look rotation with the forward vector projected on a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
public static void LookRotationWithForwardProjectedOnPlane(in Vector3 forward, in Vector3 planeNormal, out Quaternion lookRotation)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | forward | The forward vector to be projected onto the plane. |
Vector3 | planeNormal | The normal vector orthogonal to the plane. |
Quaternion | lookRotation | The resulting look rotation with the projected forward vector and plane normal as up direction. |
Convenience method signature to cast output from quaternion to Quaternion.
OrthogonalLookRotation(in float3, in float3, out quaternion)
Calculates a look rotation quaternion given a forward vector and a reference up vector.
public static void OrthogonalLookRotation(in float3 forward, in float3 referenceUp, out quaternion lookRotation)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | forward | The forward vector. |
float3 | referenceUp | The reference up vector. |
quaternion | lookRotation | The calculated look rotation quaternion. |
OrthogonalLookRotation(in Vector3, in Vector3, out Quaternion)
Calculates a look rotation quaternion given a forward vector and a reference up vector.
public static void OrthogonalLookRotation(in Vector3 forward, in Vector3 referenceUp, out Quaternion lookRotation)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | forward | The forward vector. |
Vector3 | referenceUp | The reference up vector. |
Quaternion | lookRotation | The calculated look rotation quaternion. |
Convenience method signature to cast output from quaternion to Quaternion.
OrthogonalUpVector(in float3, in float3, out float3)
Calculates the orthogonal up vector for a given forward vector and a reference up vector.
public static void OrthogonalUpVector(in float3 forward, in float3 referenceUp, out float3 orthogonalUp)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | forward | The forward vector. |
float3 | referenceUp | The reference up vector. |
float3 | orthogonalUp | The calculated orthogonal up vector. |
OrthogonalUpVector(in Vector3, in Vector3, out Vector3)
Calculates the orthogonal up vector for a given forward vector and a reference up vector.
public static void OrthogonalUpVector(in Vector3 forward, in Vector3 referenceUp, out Vector3 orthogonalUp)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | forward | The forward vector. |
Vector3 | referenceUp | The reference up vector. |
Vector3 | orthogonalUp | The calculated orthogonal up vector. |
ProjectOnPlane(in float3, in float3, out float3)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
public static void ProjectOnPlane(in float3 vector, in float3 planeNormal, out float3 projectedVector)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | vector | The vector to be projected. |
float3 | planeNormal | The normal vector orthogonal to the plane. |
float3 | projectedVector | The projected vector on the plane. |
ProjectOnPlane(in Vector3, in Vector3, out Vector3)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
public static void ProjectOnPlane(in Vector3 vector, in Vector3 planeNormal, out Vector3 projectedVector)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | vector | The vector to be projected. |
Vector3 | planeNormal | The normal vector orthogonal to the plane. |
Vector3 | projectedVector | The projected vector on the plane. |