Namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Filtering
Evaluates the angle between the Gaze Transform's forward direction and the vector to the target Interactable. The target Interactable with the smallest angle will receive the highest normalized score.
Abstract base class from which all Target Filter behaviours derive. Instances of this class can be assigned to an XRBaseInteractor using the Inspector by setting the Starting Target Filter (startingTargetFilter). This serves as a serializable reference instead of using targetFilter which is not serialized.
Evaluates the Interactor distance from the target Interactable. Targets close to the Interactor will receive a highest score and targets far way will receive a lower score.
The last selected target Interactable will receive the highest normalized score.
In the moment that an Interactable is selected by any of the linked Interactors, it'll have the highest normalized
score of 1
. Its normalized score will linearly decrease with time until the score reaches 0
maxTime seconds.
Abstract base class from which all Target Evaluators derive.
This class evaluates the intention to interact with an Interactable by calculating a score (a float
Used by the XRTargetFilter behavior which allows the list of valid targets returned by an Interactor
to be customized as determined by these evaluators.
Target Filter that uses a list of evaluator objects to filter Interactable targets (candidates) returned by the Interactor each frame. You can edit the evaluator list and the evaluators properties in the Inspector.
An interface that an XRTargetFilter can implement to receive calls whenever an Interactor links to or
unlinks from its filter.
Implement this interface if the evaluator needs to subscribe to events or cache data from the linked Interactors.
An interface responsible to filter a list of Interactable targets (candidates) for interaction with a linked Interactor.