What's new in version 1.3
Summary of changes in XR Hands package version 1.3.
The main updates in this release include:
- Added a root pose offset to the
that allows an additional offset to the root pose (typically the wrist). This is useful for situations where you want the visual hand representation to stop while interacting with objects in a scene. - Added missing sample script API documentation to make it easier to understand and build off of.
- Fixed documentation links for OpenXR features to point at latest documentation version.
What's new in version 1.2
Summary of changes in XR Hands package version 1.2.
The main updates in this release include:
- Added
interface that intercepts and allows post-processing joint data before being used by other scripts. More information can be found on the XR Hands Joint Processing manual page. - Added two samples to the Hand Visualizer sample for how to use the new Joint Processing feature to change the visual output of hand tracking.
both now implementIEquatable
, and haveEquals
, and the==
operators overloaded.- Added
component that subscribes to hand tracking events for a specific hand and surfaces Unity Events when the hand updates or tracking state changes. - Added
component that subscribes to events from aXRHandTrackingEvents
and can optionally show or hide a mesh. - Added
component that subscribes to events from aXRHandTrackingEvents
and updates a hierarchy of Transforms for eachXRHandJoint
- Minimum supported Unity Editor version has changed to 2021.3.
- Fixed Hand Visualizer component so it will use another running
if the first is stopped. - Fixed exception in Hand Visualizer component when a joint is invalid.
- Fixed rendering of lines that connect joints in
sample when used with the device simulator. Also removed the Origin property from the component since it was no longer used.
What was new in version 1.0
Summary of changes in XR Hands package version 1.0.
The main updates in this release include:
Added subsystem for cross-platform hand-tracking and accompanying types.
Types you might care about as a user:
, which you can retrieve aList
of withSubsystemManager.GetSubsystemDescriptors
, which can be created with a call toCreate
on the above descriptor type.XRHand
, which you can retrieve fromXRHandSubsystem
with itsleftHand
properties. These contain joints androotPose
data, as well as itsHandedness
, which you can retrieve from eachXRHand
to query for joint tracking state, pose, radius, and velocity data on a per-joint basis.XRHandJointIDUtility
, which contains extension methods for certainenum
s listed below and also housesFromIndex
, which you can use when looping over an array to get the correspondingXRHandJointID
(useful when callingXRHand.GetJoint
As well as these enum
, a flags-enum
used to denote which fields are valid and can be retrieved via theirTryGet...
methods onXRHandJoint
, used to identify each joint, and required when accessing joint data usingXRHand.GetJoint
. If looping over an array of joint data, useXRHandJointIDUtility.FromIndex
to convert your index toXRHandJointID
, which is required forXRHand.GetJoint
, used to identify which hand is referred to by anXRHand
using itshandedness
, not used anywhere else in the API surfaced in this package besides its extension methods inXRHandJointIDUtility
, which together provider an inclusive range forXRHandJointID
s spanned by the finger represented byXRHandFingerID
The OpenXR package must be installed and in use for these to work:
- Added OpenXR support through
types. - Added support for Meta Hand Tracking Aim extension in OpenXR through
Additional types you may need to interact with if writing a provider (not a common use case):
, which the subsystem asks for data whenever itsTryUpdateHands
is called (built-in Unity setup calls this each frame) and is also queried when the subsystem and provider are created for which common joints are in the provider's layout usingGetHandLayout
, which providers should call into usingCreateJoint
during theTryUpdateHands
per-frame call to fill out the left- and right-hand joint arrays. This same type also has a nestedSubsystemUpdater
type to be used for automatically updating the subsystem each frame. Users can respond to updates by subscribing to the subsystem'supdatedHands
Also added a visualizer sample, which demonstrates drawing using both meshes and per-joint prefabs. You can add this sample to your project through the Samples tab of this package's view in the Package Manager window. This sample has a mesh and script that assume OpenXR layout, so it is recommended you either use that plug-in or another one that conforms to the OpenXR hand joint layout.
For a full list of changes and updates in this package, see the XR Hands package changelog.