Namespace Unity.XR.CompositionLayers.Extensions
Subclass of CompositionLayerExtension to support color scaling and biasing for the CompositionLayer instance on the same game object.
Support for this component is up the the instance of ILayerProvider currently assigned to the CompositionLayerManager.
If this extension is not added to a layer game object, it is expected that the provider will assume no color scale/bias is to be applied.
Subclass of CompositionLayerExtension to support defining textures, and the rects for rendering those textures for a CompositionLayer instance on the same game object.
Source rect is used to define the rectangle within the source texture that the layer provider should use when reading texture information for the layer.
Destination rect is used to define the rectangle within the source texture that the layer provider should use when writing texture information for the layer.
Support for this component is up the the instance of ILayerProvider currently assigned to the CompositionLayerManager.
If this extension is not added to a layer game object, it is expected that the provider will provide the necessary textures in some other way. This may occur in cases such as the rendering of protected content.
Source Texture enumeration.
Target eye enumeration.