Tracked ray casts
Tracked (or persistent) ray casts continuously project a ray from a two-dimensional pixel position on the screen (a screen point). Tracked ray casts enable continuous user interaction with the physical environment. This enables you to implement features that depend on understanding the physical environment over time and relative to a user's position. For example, you might use tracked ray casts in an app where the user paints a detected wall (a plane) with virtual spray paint. Tracked ray casts continuously track where the user is aiming the paint, and determine when the sprayed paint hits a wall in the physical environment.
Tracked ray casts are a type of trackable. The ARRaycast component contains the data associated with a tracked ray cast. Each ARRaycast continues to update automatically until you remove it or disable the ARRaycastAR Raycast
component and its lifecycle.
Conceptually, tracked ray casts are similar to repeating the same ray cast query each frame, but platforms with direct support for this feature can provide better results. Not all platforms that support ray casting support tracked ray casts. To check whether your platform supports tracked ray casts, refer to Optional feature platform support.
Add a tracked ray cast
To add a tracked ray cast, call AddAddRaycast
, the ARRaycastManager
creates a new GameObject with an AR Raycast
component on it.
You must create tracked ray casts from a screen point:
public ARRaycast AddRaycast(Vector2 screenPoint, float estimatedDistance)
Ray cast lifecycle events
While enabled, the AR Raycast Manager component gets changes reported by the XRRaycast
You can subscribe to trackablesChanged
using either the Inspector or C# scripting.
Use the Inspector
- Create a public method on a
with a single parameter of type ARTrackablesChanged , as shown in the following example code:Event Args<ARRaycast>
public void OnTrackablesChanged( ARTrackablesChangedEventArgs<ARRaycast> changes) { foreach (var raycast in changes.added) { // handle added raycasts } foreach (var raycast in changes.updated) { // handle updated raycasts } foreach (var raycast in changes.removed) { // handle removed raycasts } }
Select your XR Origin GameObject, then click the Add (+) button on the AR Raycast Manager component's trackables Changed property.
Using the Object picker (⊙), select either a GameObject that contains an instance of your component or an instance of your ScriptableObject, whichever is applicable.
Subscribe to the trackablesChanged event- In the dropdown, select your class name and the name of your method. The method name appears in the Dynamic section of the methods list.
- Create a public method on a
Use C# scripting
Create a public method with a single parameter of type ARTrackables
Changed as shown in the preceding step 1a.Event Args<ARRaycast> Use the following example code to subscribe to the
void SubscribeToRaycastsChanged() { // This is inefficient. You should re-use a saved reference instead. var manager = Object.FindAnyObjectByType<ARRaycastManager>(); manager.trackablesChanged.AddListener(OnTrackablesChanged); }
Remove a ray cast
You can use the RemoveARRaycast
that you wish to remove. When you remove a ray cast this way, the next ARRaycastManager.trackablesChanged
event reports the ARRaycast
component in its removed list.
Visualize a ray cast
When you create a new ARRaycast, AR Foundation creates a new GameObject with an AR Raycast component on it. By default, the AR Raycast Manager doesn't render a visualization of ray casts. You can optionally provide a prefab in the Raycast Prefab field of the AR Raycast Manager that is instantiated for each ARRaycast
to extend the default behavior. For example, you could provide a custom prefab to visualize a line for each ARRaycast