Face tracking
For information about face tracking, see AR Foundation Face tracking.
The ARCore face subsystem provides face tracking methods that allow access to "regions". Regions are specific to ARCore. ARCore provides access to the following regions that define features on a face:
- Nose tip
- Forehead left
- Forehead right
Each region has a Pose associated with it. To access face regions, obtain an instance of the ARCoreFaceSubsystem using the following script:
XRFaceSubsystem faceSubsystem = ...
var arcoreFaceSubsystem = faceSubsystem as ARCoreFaceSubsystem;
if (arcoreFaceSubsystem != null)
var regionData = new NativeArray<ARCoreFaceRegionData>(0, Allocator.Temp);
arcoreFaceSubsystem.GetRegionPoses(faceId, Allocator.Temp, ref regionData);
using (regionData)
foreach (var data in regionData)
Debug.LogFormat("Region {0} is at {1}", data.region, data.pose);