Struct RTCSessionDescription
The RTCSessionDescription interface represents the setup of one side of a connection or a proposed connection. It contains a description type that identifies the negotiation stage it pertains to, along with the session's SDP (Session Description Protocol) details.
Namespace: Unity.WebRTC
Assembly: Unity.WebRTC.dll
public struct RTCSessionDescription
Establishing a connection between two parties involves swapping RTCSessionDescription objects, with each one proposing a set of connection setup options that the sender can accommodate. The connection setup is finalized when both parties agree on a particular configuration.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.WebRTC;
class MediaStreamer : MonoBehaviour
private RTCPeerConnection _pc1;
private List<RTCRtpSender> pc1Senders;
private MediaStream videoStream;
private MediaStreamTrack track;
private DelegateOnNegotiationNeeded pc1OnNegotiationNeeded;
private bool videoUpdateStarted;
private void Start()
pc1Senders = new List<RTCRtpSender>();
pc1OnNegotiationNeeded = () => { StartCoroutine(PcOnNegotiationNeeded(_pc1)); };
IEnumerator PcOnNegotiationNeeded(RTCPeerConnection pc)
var op = pc.CreateOffer();
yield return op;
if (!op.IsError)
yield return StartCoroutine(OnCreateOfferSuccess(pc, op.Desc));
private void Call()
RTCConfiguration configuration = default;
configuration.iceServers = new[] { new RTCIceServer { urls = new[] { "" } } };
_pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(ref configuration);
_pc1.OnNegotiationNeeded = pc1OnNegotiationNeeded;
videoStream = Camera.main.CaptureStream(1280, 720);
track = videoStream.GetTracks().First();
if (!videoUpdateStarted)
videoUpdateStarted = true;
private IEnumerator OnCreateOfferSuccess(RTCPeerConnection pc, RTCSessionDescription desc)
Debug.Log($"Offer created. SDP is: \n{desc.sdp}");
var op = pc.SetLocalDescription(ref desc);
yield return op;
A string that holds the session's SDP information.
public string sdp
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
See Also
An enum that specifies the type of the session description. Refer to RTCSdp
public RTCSdpType type
Field Value
Type | Description |
RTCSdp |